Postal Automation System

Colvir Postal System is a state-of-the-art solution for national postal operators embracing the client-server client-service-server topology. The system incorporates a set of modules required to automate postal business processes, financial instruments, delivery of Government services, mobile customer service delivery, and a lot more.

Colvir Postal Automation System automates handling of documents, containers and mail items in accordance with internal Postal Operator rules and international standards. Thanks to the system scalability and extendibility, the system provides a mechanism for increasing the number of mail processing locations of existing types, and creating new ones.

Our Postal Automation System incorporates features that facilitate sorting center performance monitoring, and analyze statistics of mail progress through processing areas. Colvir Postal Automation solution is integrated into Colvir Core Banking System.

Colvir Postal Automation System implementation facilitates accumulation of all postal operator data within a single information space, reduction of customer servicing costs, extension of the range of offered services including such extension through activity diversification, improved customer loyalty and brand confidence.

Product advantages
Single Service Counter
Colvir Postal Automation System enables the operator to work within a single information space. The single customer service counter is implemented in a user-friendly intuitive interface that supports speeding-up of service delivery to post office customers. The single counter may be integrated to external devices (such as electronic scales, bar code scanners, POS terminals, printers).
Convenience and Speed
Convenient navigation over the list of postal services eliminates the need for a multitude of redundant actions to be undertaken by the operator.
Integration with Colvir Core Banking System
Colvir Postal Automation System deployment on a separate dedicated server ensures its reliability and high performance. Thanks to its integration to Colvir Core Banking System, a Post Office operator can leverage different payment methods.
More Services Delivered at a Higher Speed
Thanks to the expanded range of offered services and improved service delivery quality, Colvir Postal Automation System tends to increase postal branch revenues. Automation of routine operations reduces the costs and error risks. The web service architecture facilitates incorporating in the system specific features of customers’ processes, and, if required, modifying process components with minimum effort.
Functional Postal Automation System
Functional of Postal Automation System
  • transport tracking
  • domestic and international mail registration
  • customs control area processing
  • mail item sorting
  • document generation for domestic and international mail
  • interchange support between a PO branch and a sorting center
  • tracking of mail items
  • information delivery for a tracking site
  • sorting center operations report
  • mail item collection and delivery using mobile terminals, and a lot more.
  • Colvir Postal Automation System may also integrated with financial and agency services, administration activities, payment system, current account services, money remittance system, as well as with other services of Colvir Core Banking System.
Business modules
implemented projects
What has been done
  • Colvir Core Banking and Postal Automation  System implemented;
  • moduloe development and integration in line with Azerbaijan national programs.
What benefits have accrued to the customer
A single user-friendly system to manage all business processes and operations of a large postal operator company. A significant expansion of the range of serices available to customers. 
What has been done
  • Colvir Postal Automation System implemented;
  • resolution of the Customer's issues related to slow business processed and a low level of trust from customers and from business.
What benefits have accrued to the customer
Increase in the number of financial transactions (by a factor of 4), improvement in labor efficiency (by a factor of 2) and an increase in financial services revenue (+USD 500 million) — based on management reports over 3 years following system go-live.
"The choice of Colvir Software Solutions as the supplier of our core banking and postal automation system was made based on the outcome of an international tender. The successful implementation of their high quality product confirmed the reliability and work ethics of our partner. By automating maximum range of operations it immediately resolved the problem of disparate siloed systems that had been previously used to automate postal activities. Over the long run the use of the Colvir system has brought about a speeding up of business processes and an increase in employee efficiency."
Azerpost public enterprise
  • Ecosystem

    The postal automation system joins siloed services into a single network capable of controlling millions of concurrent requests
  • Scale

    Availability of up-to-date postal functions and services even in the most remote corners of the country
  • A step into the future

    An opportunity to achieve a technology break-through and win customer gratitude
Product news
Colvir Takes Part in Qazpost Demo Day
Qazpost used this event as the venue for presenting its year-end results and announcing new digital projects
Azerpost Takes Stock of Financial Year-End Results
In 2022 the national postal operator of Azerbaijan expanded its activity scope and increased its revenues by 36%
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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