Service Bus

Banking technology is an industry that is always in a state of flux. Developers create new solutions, companies bring to market spot-on products, banks use their best efforts to offer to their customers modern services. A trend of the current decade is ecosystem development involving different service domains including banking, insurance, marketing, marketplace services, as well as services facilitating access to diverse service types, and a lot more. To make components work like a single well-oiled machine, they need a conductor, i.e. a service bus. Colvir Service Bus instills confidence that all interactions will be precise and reliable, and that solutions coming from different vendors will perform their functions without fail.

Product advantages
Technology Stack
Based on state-of-the-art proven technologies — the time horizon during which the development stack will retain its relevance will be at least 10 years.
High Performance
Guaranteed fault-tolerance, performance of 2000+ tps (transactions per second). No platform dependence, or dependence on a solution from a single vendor.
Conceptual commitment to ecosystem development
Advanced logics and autodiagnostics. An extendable set of components to meet any business requirements.
Unlimited Horizontal Scalability
Support of customers’ own developments leveraging SDK.
implemented projects
What has been done
A trading platform implemented to facilitate currency exchange ensuring quick service delivery with support of web and mobile clients, instant purchase and sale requests, and deal closure.
What benefits have accrued to the customer
Colvir Service Bus facilitates fast and fault-tolerant real time currency exchange service delivery.
  • A Convenient Tool

    Integration with 3d-party systems from any vendors, support of own OpenAPI creation.
  • High Performance

    Quality mobile and web services operation: message conversion and guaranteed delivery.
  • State-of-the-art Solution

    Support of modern protocols, compliance with ISO requirements for service buses.
Product news
Completion of an Integrated Project at Ziraat International Bank, Kazakhstan, to Implement New Colvir CBS Components
Colvir professional team have deployed new Service Bus 1.0 services that have facilitated integration with the BSS Internet Banking solution, and have implemented the Notification Service
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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