This Confidentiality Policy (hereinafter the Policy) governs the procedures for processing User Personal Data and applies to all Personal Data that  COLVIR SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LTD (hereinafter the Site Administrator) may receive from an Internet network User (hereinafter a User) accessing site (hereinafter the Site).



1.1 This Policy applies to all data that the Site Admonistrator may receive with regard to Site visitors.
1.2 This Policy defines:

  • The purposes of Personal Data processing;
  • The volume of Personl Data  processed;
  • The procedure and provisions for Personal Data processing.

1.3 Use of Site by a User means the User's acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Policy. In the event of a User's disagreement with the terms and conditions of this Policy, the User must immediately cease using the Site.
1.4 Principle terms used in this Policy:

  • Personal Data shall mean any information pertaining to a specific User accessing Site, or to such a User being determined.
  • Site Administrator shall mean COLVIR SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LTD.
  • Personal Data processing shall mean any action (operation), or a combination of such actions (operations) performed by the Site Administrator, whether leveraging or not leveraging automation facilities, on Personal Data including their collection, recording, classification, accumulation, storage, refinement (updating, modification), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of Personal Data.
  • Automatic processing of Personal Data shall mean Personal Data processing leveraging computer facilities.
  • Personal Data confidentiality shall mean the mandatory obligation by the Site Administrator, as well as for any other person gaining access to Personal Data, not to allow any dissemination of Personal Data without express agreement by the Personal Data subject, or some other legitimate reason.
  • A User shall mean a legally competent individual who has reached the requisite age as provided by Russian Federation law, who makes use of Site either in his/her personal interests, or acting on behalf of a legal entity that he/she represents.
  • The Policy (of confidentiality) shall mean this documents together with any modifications and extensions published on the network at
  • Personal Data provision shall mean actions aimed at disclosing Personal Data to a specific person, or a specific group of persons.
  • A cookie file shall mean a small fragment of data sent by the web server, held on the User's computer and sent to the web server by the web client or web browser as part of an HTTP request when attempting to open a page on the target site.
  • IP-адрес shall mean a unique network address of a network node in a computer network built leveraging the IP protocol.



2.1 The objective of a User's Personal Data processing is to facilitate providing the User with access to information and services held on Site
2.2 The Site Administrator processes only those Personal Data that are required in order to  ensure correct Site  operation and provide the User with access to the Siste including without limitation as follows:

  • When processing User requests received by the Site Administrator;
  • When initiating User feedback by sking the User to complete the requisite form on the Site;
  • When registering User subscription for receiving Site news;
  • In order to provide the User with effective customer and technical support in case of issues occurring in the course of using the Site;
  • In the course of the User leaving a comment with respect to the Site Administrator's performance by filling in the respective form on the Site ;
  • In the course of the User submitting his/her CV to apply for a vacancy with the Site Administrator's company.



3.1 The Site Administrator processes two types of data about the User:
3.1.1 Data that the User has personally provided to the Site Administrator in the cource of using the Site:

  • First name and Surname;
  • Phone number;
  • E-mail address.

3.1.2 Technical information automatically collected by the Site software in the course of the User's visit to the Site, always subject to the User's agreement:

  • IP адрес;
  • cookie files.

A User's use of the Site is recognized as the User's agreement to processing of his/her Personal Data.The above data are hereinafter throughout this Policy are collectively described as Personal Data.

3.2 The Site Administrator may leverage cookie files and other simila technologies (web beacons, device IDs, pixel programs, etc.) for User device identification,  presentation and personalization of the Site, as well as of services associated with the Site, analysis of the Site utilization by the User, distribution of targeted advertisments and fraud prevention. In the event the User does not want the Site Administrator to collect technical information about the User leveraging чcookie files, the User must immediately cease using the Site, or forbid saving of cookie files on his/her device used to access the Site, by setting up his/her browser accordingly. In this scenario the User should keep in mind the fact that services of the Site leveraging this technology may prove inaccessible.
3.3 Personal Data are treated by the Site Administrator as confidential except those cases where the User has voluntary published such data for shared access in his/her feedback on the Site.



4.1 The Site Administrator shall only process a User's Personal Data provided such data have been filled in and/or sent by the User independently via special forms published on Site
4.2 The User accepts this Policy and consents to his/her Personal Data processing by ticking the box entitled “I give Colvir Software Solutions my consent to having my Personal Data processed  in line with the Policy”.
4.3 Security of Personal Data processed by the Site Administrator is assured through implementation of legal, organizational and technical measures required in order to achieve full compliance with the legislative mandates in force from time to time in the area of Personal Data protection.
4.4 The Site Administrator shall ensure Personal Data integrity and shall take all possible measures to prevent access to Personal Data by unauthorized persons.
4.5  In the event inaccuracies are found in Personal Data, the User may correct such inaccuracies updating the data by sending a notification to the Site Administrator at with Personal Data update caption.
4.6  The Personal Data processing term is unlimited. A User may at any point in time withdraw his/her consent to Personal Data processing by sending a notification to the Site Administrator at with Personal Data consent withdrawal caption.



5.1 A User may obtain any clarifications for matters of interest to the User pertainingg to his/her Personal  Data processing by seeking such clarifications via an email  addressed to the Site Administrator at
5.2 The current version of the Policy is availavle for shared access on the Internet network at
5.3 The Site Administrator has the right to make modifications and additions to this Policy without seeking the Usr's agreement. The new Policy shall come into force and effect from the moment of its publication on the Site unless otherwise provisioned in the new Policy version.

It is prohibitred to copy, distribute  (including such distribution by copying to other sites and resources on the Internet network ) or otherwise make use of information and objects published on the Site without obtaining prior consent of the Site Administrator.