On September 10 through 11 Ashgabat hosted Hi-Tech Turkmenistan 2024 – an international conference cum exhibition designed to promote high tech and innovation development in Turkmenistan economy. In line with the digital economy development concept Turkmenistan follows the path of integrating the country into the world economic space through state-of-the-art technology implementation. Colvir Software Solutions became a partner and participant of this event vitally important to the country by presenting to the expert community a digital development program at a session captioned The future of financial technologies.
A Global UN Research Report on world-wide e-Government development was released on September 17. Kazakhstan was recognized as the eGov solution leader among the Central Asia countries — 24th position in the world-wide rating. The Kazakhstan e-Government platform provides thousands of online services. The 2023 through 2029 digital transformation concept pusues the goal of improving Government services, speeding-up transformations in public administration and in the economy sector development. The objective is to create digitally developed and inclusive society by leveraging technology and paying especial attention to citizen-oriented services — says the report. At this point in time Turkmenistan occupies line 145 in the world-wide e-Government development rating, and is named among five countries that are in the medium EGDI group (e-Government Development Index) and require dedicated effort to speed up digital development.
The broad range of exhibits included diverse sectors - from financial technologies and intelligent cities to medicine, transport and renewable energy sources. Especial visitor interest was attracted however by booths dedicated to software development and IT services, software solutions for business and Government entities.
The Hi-Tech Turkmenistan exhibition and discussion forum attracted participants from different countries and different industries. Within the scope of diverse sessions speakers and their audiences drew up development directions and paths, and discussed key challenges of the day.
The Hi-Tech Turkmenistan 2024 conference, and the Turkmenistan Investment Forum (TIF 2024) taking place in parallel are both significant events that bear evidence of Turkmenistan society commitment to technology-rich future, its openness to world experience and its resolution to implement solutions that work best for the good of the country and its people. Colvir would like to thanks Hi-Tech Turkmenistan organizers for this substantive, vivid and extensive event, and would welcome the opportunity to become a permanent partner for such events.
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