Kazpost JSC is the national postal operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan and one of the most dynamically developing companies within the ex-UUSR space. The company offers a broad range of postal, financial, brokerage, agency, electronic services. Kazpost JSC has at its disposal the largest branch network in the country encompassing virtually the whole territory of Kazakhstan, in particular with respect to the district level and in rural areas. The postal network is an effective tool for promoting e-commerce, transportation and logistics services, financial services for business and for the general public. Kazpost also represents the PO administration of Kazakhstan in the Universal Postal Union, and is one of the basic elements of the country-wide infrastructure.

about the company in numbers

  • 1993 the year when the first national Post Office emerged in Kazakhstan
  • 120 000 parcels per day processed by Kazpost staff
  • 100% shares owned by the Samruk-Kazyna fund
implemented projects
What has been done
  • Colvir Postal Automation System implemented;
  • resolution of the Customer's issues related to slow business processed and a low level of trust from customers and from business.
What benefits have accrued to the customer
Increase in the number of financial transactions (by a factor of 4), improvement in labor efficiency (by a factor of 2) and an increase in financial services revenue (+USD 500 million) — based on management reports over 3 years following system go-live.
Clients news
Batumi Hosts Colvir Camp 2024 for Banking Professionals
Representatives of ForteBank, KZI and Kazpost have studied Colvir CBS architecture at expert level.
20 June 2024 , 09:00 Batumi, Georgia
Colvir Takes Part in Qazpost Demo Day
Qazpost used this event as the venue for presenting its year-end results and announcing new digital projects
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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