Representatives of ForteBank, KZI and Kazpost have studied Colvir CBS architecture at expert level.
At the beginning of June, the Black Sea coast hosted Batumi Colvir Camp 2024 — an off-premises event for banking professionals including study of Colvir CBS at expert level combined with a rich cultural and entertainment program. The participants included representatives of Kazakhstan banks ForteBank and KZI, and Kazpost – the national postal operator.

The prototype of such an off-premises event for employees of banks using Colvir CBS dates back to year 2020. We saw for ourselves that it works best if intensive training is combined with a visit to a beautiful location, excursions and rest and recreation in the company of colleagues and likely-minded people. On top of knowledge, skills and a course completion certificate, such an event leaves fond memories. It is for the second time that we hold a Colvir Camp in the sunny and picturesque Batumi. We were lucky to find there an excellent partner – the Academy of the Georgian Ministry of Finance, that are experts in the organization of international events. Working in concert with our colleagues, we are in a position to offer to the participants comfortable conditions for their training, as well as a captivating and varied cultural program.
Vladislav Kurnenkov
HRD and Colvir Training Center Director
The Batumi Colvir Camp 2024 lasted for one week, and its objective was to raise the skill level of Fortebank, KZI and Kazpost employees.

My focus area in Core Banking is System setups, and my objective in taking part in the Colvir Camp was to improve my skills of working in the System, to learn new things about the CBS. The course proved to be quite substantial, and at some points one had to work quite hard in order to fulfill all the field work assignments. My most important acquisition was a truly deep understanding of the System, adeptness at perceiving the structure and logic and at constructing the process chain rather than just automatically performing routine operations. On top of daily training, we also had a unique activity program. We visited a lavish Botany Garden, we learned the history of Batumi and some interesting facts about it, and we paid a visit to a picturesque beach as part of an exiting tour of the city. I am really very grateful to Colvir and to the Fortebank management team for this opportunity, and I hope that we will be able to leverage in our work all the knowledge that we gained to ensure prosperity of our Bank and to strengthen our collaboration with Colvir for many years to come.

The week rushed by swiftly leaving behind unforgettable memories, vivid emotions, and of course a vast array of knew knowledge. We had the opportunity to get an in-depth understanding of the Colvir CBS architecture, and thanks to brain storming with our coach we managed to obtain answers to many questions. I would like to note the benefit produced by the presence of colleagues from other Kazakhstan banks — we are all experts in our own area of competence, and it was extremely useful to exchange experiences, test one’s competence level, and even enter a competition with one’s rival colleagues. I have had to play the role of a coach in Kazpost myself, and I know what a complicated task this is requiring hard work, and for this reason I feel respect and gratitude towards Vasily Basalay and Vlasdislav Kurnenkov for their bona fide event organization and its faultless implementation.
Murat Abdrakhmanov
Kazpost JSC

The Colvir Camp educational program covered Colvir CBS end-to-end. The participants had studied the theory part in advance in video lecture format, and in the course of the off-premises event they focused on practical skill training and on solving cases.
The program designed for experts, the one that we deliver in the course of Colvir Camp off-premises events, is a very thorough, structured and well-thought-out one. We update it at regular intervals, as Colvir CBS is continuously developing further, we modify interfaces, present latest cases. The course covers all the key mechanisms leveraged in system setup. We use our best efforts to ensure that at the end of the course all the course attendees have a skill set encompassing all areas despite the fact that in their line of work they quite often only have to deal with one area. The group we were dealing with this year proved to be quite a strong one – we succeeded in covering all the topics that we had planned, participants asked pointed in-depth questions that focused on case specifics demonstrating a high level of their skills in dealing with our System.
Vasily Basalay
coach, Colvir Traning Center Expert

As per our tradition, the event ground was the Academy of the Georgian Ministry of Finance located in the heart of old Batumi on the sea shore. Turned-on classrooms, dedicated coffee-break and lunch areas promoted a good working climate.
We take great pleasure in collaborating with Colvir by providing organizational assistance and on-site support for events laid on for banking professionals from CIS countries. We host Colvir Camp for a second time, and we have seen for ourselves that Colvir representatives are nice to deal with. It was a pleasure for us to be partners in such an important event aimed at further development of banking and of international collaboration.
Ana Margiani
Director, International Relations Department of the Georgian Ministry of Finance
The action-packed educational, cultural and entertainment program culminated in presentation to the participants of the Colvir CBS Architecture Course Completion certificates, and a gala dinner at the Rustaveli restaurant.

Even at the event planning stage we had no doubt that it was going to be successful as we already had our Batumi Camp 2022 experience, we were sure of our partner - the Academy of the Georgian Ministry of Finance, we had a well-turned program and a highly skilled coach, Vasily Basalay. Our expectations were proved right – everything went brilliantly. As confirmed by our poll of the course participants at the end of the event, the satisfaction index was very high. We keep getting regular requests from our customers for such off-premises events, and that is why we are planning further Colvir Camps in Georgia, as well as in Turkey and in other locations.
Vladislav Kurnenkov
HRD and Colvir Training Center Director
In order to arrange an educational event focused on studying Colvir CBS please contact our Training Center at