ForteBank JSC is part of the second tier bank list defined by the RK National Bank. It is entrusted with managing financial resources of the company responsible for pension asset management, as well as resources of the State Accumulated Pension Fund JSC for deposit placement.

about the bank in numbers

  • 20 years of operation
  • 20 branches
  • 100 sub-branches
  • 900 ATMs
implemented projects
What has been done
A trading platform implemented to facilitate currency exchange ensuring quick service delivery with support of web and mobile clients, instant purchase and sale requests, and deal closure.
What benefits have accrued to the customer
Colvir Service Bus facilitates fast and fault-tolerant real time currency exchange service delivery.
Clients news
Colvir Helps Kazakhstan to Become the First Country in Central Asia to Migrate to ISO 20022
The country’s 13 financial institutions chose the Colvir solution to migrate to the new financial message standard
3 March 2025 , 08:00 Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan Financial Sector CIO’s and CTO’s Have Paid a Visit to the Colvir Tech IT Brunch
Top executives of Kazakhstan bank IT departments have paid a visit to the event organized by Colvir Software Solutions – the largest fintech solution developer in the region
Batumi Hosts Colvir Camp 2024 for Banking Professionals
Representatives of ForteBank, KZI and Kazpost have studied Colvir CBS architecture at expert level.
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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