Nurbank is one of the largest and oldest banks in Kazakhstan. It has been a conspicous player in the financial services and products market in Kazakhstan for 28 years already. It offers a comprehensive range of financial services for retail, small and medium entities, as well as for large corporations сto facilitate for them successful achievement of goals they set for themselves. The Bank also dedicates a significant amount of time to implementing charity programs  — over 1000 projects have been implemented over the years of the Bank's operation.

about the bank in numbers

  • 28 years in the Kazakhstan market
  • >1000 charity projects
implemented projects
What has been done
  • Colvir ERP implemented together with the Core Banking System and other products; 
  • ERP module suite integration with over 50 business modules of the Core Banking System; 
  • Colvir ERP customization in line with the Bank's business processes.
What benefits have accrued to the customer
Extended ERP functionality complying with all local legislation mandates.
What has been done
  • an obsolete legacy system has been replaced with state-of-the-art Colvir Core Banking System ;
  • automation of operations, reduction to a minimum of human resources involved in the generation and sending of regulatory reports.
What benefits have accrued to the customer
Migration to a single Core Banking System and laying the foundation for future IT development. 
What has been done
  • Internet Banking implementation together with Colvir Core Banking System;
  • setup of all products and their phased implementation in the Bank's operations.
What benefits have accrued to the customer
Over a short space of time the Bank was able to overcome its lagging behind status in terms of technology and attract new customers by offering remote banking services.
Clients news
Kazakhstan Financial Sector CIO’s and CTO’s Have Paid a Visit to the Colvir Tech IT Brunch
Top executives of Kazakhstan bank IT departments have paid a visit to the event organized by Colvir Software Solutions – the largest fintech solution developer in the region
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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