Besides Bootcamp, one of the training formats we use in our company is Corporate Digital Media leveraging the Snack-Learning approach.
What is Snack-Learning all about?
Snack-Learning is a training concept based on the use of short but highly intensive and informative training clips. They are made up of short and easy to understand tutorials that may be studied at a convenient time. In most cases going through one clip takes between 5 and 10 minutes which makes absorbing information most efficient.
What are the advantages?
Firstly, timing flexibility.
An employee may get his or her training at any convenient time, whether it is on the job, during breaks, or at home. This is of particular importance to those who are involved in projects with floating timelines.
Secondly, user friendliness and easy access.
The briefness of tutorials makes remembering information easier. When studying one topic, the probability of its mastering in one go grows significantly.
Thirdly, diversity of formats.
Traditionally, videos, infographics, interactive tests and even podcasts may be included. This facilitates adapting to different training styles and holding the interest of a mixed-age audience.
Fourthly, up-to-date knowledge
Regular content updates mean that the team is always tin the know of state-of -the-art technologies and methodologies.
How does it work in Colvir Media?
The platform structure is organized in such a way that company employees may select tutorials from any of the presented categories.
This is corporate video hosting, and thanks to this, training materials include only video clips that last from 1 minute to 1.5 hours, as well as supplementary information for some of them.
What categories are available?
- ColvirTech: Here short tutorial clips are published that facilitate mastering functions that may come in handy on the job.
- Bootcamps: Here one can find records of all courses delivered earlier — from Java and Python to English and Project Management. One can absorb those courses on one’s own.
- Meetings with experts: Here videos on other topics are presented, such as: Chat GPT on and off the job, Mindfulness, Healthy food for everybody, Statistical code analysis, etc.
- Many more.
The brief clip library in snack-learning format available on Colvir Media is periodically updated and supplemented.
Why is snack learning important for a modern company?
In an industry environment dominated by fast changes, such as new technology implementation and changing customer requirements, it is vital to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Snack learning makes it possible to get training at a rate matching today’s working environment. This is particularly relevant for such areas as IT and media where new solutions emerge each and every day.
Encouraging self-education and offering to one an opportunity to share one’s experience
Snack-learning inspires to further development. Thanks to the ready availability and diversity of tutorials, one can independently select topics that one finds interesting and thus take an active part in one’s own training. This creates a culture of self-education and continuous growth within the company.
This is also a platform for sharing experiences where one can independently load any tutorial clip matching the video hosting context, and share one’s personal practices.
In our case Colvir Media offers a unique opportunity to acquire knowledge quickly, effectively and in a variety of ways. Not only does the snack learning methodology simplify the training process, but it also makes it more interesting and adaptable. We are confident that this approach with become an important professional growth tool, and will help us to stay competitive in the dynamic world.