Ziraat Bank was incorporated in 1993. Since year 2002 Ziraat Bank has been operating with 100% Turkish equity. The Bank performs banking transactions on the basis of General No2559 issued  y the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The Bank provides a broad spectrum of banking services to legal entities and individuals.

about the bank in numbers

  • >1800 branches within the country
  • 18 countries of presence
  • RUB 266 069 thousand net profit
Clients news
Colvir Implements at Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan a Product that Belongs to the Super Popular BNPL Segment
Thanks to the taxit card (installment payment card) implementation this Azerbaijan bank has gained the opportunity to offer to its customers a payment service that is much sought after.
Colvir Migrates Ziraat Bank to a New Data Capture Product
Informatica products implemented at Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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