For the years of activity KMF has become one of the leaders in Central Asian microfinance sector. The company has been present in the Kazakhstan market for more than 25 years.  KMF provides high-quality microfinance services and continuously improves service quality developing microfinance culture. 

about the company in numbers

  • 750 000 unique clients
  • 14 branches
  • 117 points of sale through Kazakhstan
  • 1997 incorporation year
Clients news
Kazakhstan Financial Sector CIO’s and CTO’s Have Paid a Visit to the Colvir Tech IT Brunch
Top executives of Kazakhstan bank IT departments have paid a visit to the event organized by Colvir Software Solutions – the largest fintech solution developer in the region
Colvir Software Solutions Kicks off a Project to Automate the KMF Kazakhstan Microfinance Provider
One of the Central Asia microfinance sector leaders is to migrate to a Colvir IT solution
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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