Daikhanbank is one of conspicuous banks in Turkmenistan. Originally it was geared towards financing the agricutural sector. An important line of business for the Bank has also been providing credit lines for procurement agencies to faclitate for them timely settlements with agricutural producers in haikhan unions. Since 2012 the Bank has also been lending money for investment projects in production sector, construction, transport, communications, information technology,  consumer services and other service industries, health service and tourist services. The Bank's  priorities includevirgin and fallow land development for agricultural use, development and expansion of agricultural production, retro-fitting and upgrading, building of sheep pens and farms, mini-workshops, procurement of livestock, poultry, fodder, fertlizer, seeds, saplings, and many other lines. The Bank also lends money to Governemnt construction companies , and as of 2008 it provides loans for for private housing projects. The Bank has branches in each Turkmenistan province, as well as in the capital.

about the bank in numbers

  • 57 branches in Turkmenistan
  • >1,5 million people hold cards issued by the Bank
  • 1029 ATMs
  • 7312 is the number of payment terminals installed by the Bank
Clients news
The First Banking Conference by Colvir Software Solutions Takes Place in Turkmenistan
The Ashgabat Colvir Camp 2024 event brought together representatives from the country’s banking community and finance sector experts.
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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