Module functions
Accruals and deductions
Regular and ad hoc payroll accrual support using any method: lump sum, percentage, work hours-based. A flexible parameter setup system. Personal and bulk calculations.
Payment and report generation
Payment generation for disbursement via cash office, for transfer to employee bank accounts or plastic cards. Automatic generation of all report types for the employees, for the company and for third-party entities.
Bonuses and overtime
Monthly, one-off, quarterly bonuses, public holiday and weekend work pay, overtime or nigh hours work.
Regular leave, sick leave and compensations
Pay calculation for annual leave, educational leave, Additional leave, payment of compensations, sick leave pay.
Taxes and contributions
Calculation and withholding of any taxes and contributions, whether payable by an individual employee, or by the company.
Calculations and their setup
All type of employee settlements with detail browsing option. Support of file import and processing, bulk and test calculations. Creation and setup of calculation items: deductions, accruals, specified rates, working hours. Calculation group management, item group setup for report generation.
Key advantages of the module
  • Accountant-friendly calculation cycle: accruals - deductions - contributions - approvals- accounting- payments - reports
  • A flexible parameter setup system
  • Support of both individual and bulk calculations
  • Module setup customizability taking into account specific requirements of the bank and local legal requirements
  • Uniquity of use in any country of the world
Advantages of the new mechanism
  • Easy setup

    • Setting up calculation items does not present any difficulties for the accountant
    • All specified rates for payroll calculation (ratios, pay rates, etc.) are maintained within a single application
    • Historicity support for all items
    • Test item calculation during the setup phase
  • Calculation analysis

    • The outcomes are presented to the user in a user-friendly and intuitive visual format
    • Each accrual detail is easy to understand
    • Ability to browse the calculation history for any arbitrary period
  • Single-window operation

    Calculation of regular payroll and off-cycle payments, setup of deductions, file importation, bulk calculation launching – all done in a single application

  • Report generation

    • A broad selection of standard reports: payroll register, payroll sheet with support of sending to employees via e0mail, and a lot more
    • Easy addition of new accruals/deductions to reports
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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