The mission of the Contract Management module is to facilitate creation and management of counterparty contracts for the procurement and sale of different types of goods and services.

Module functions
Supplier Analysis
This function is leveraged to set up a system of supplier evaluation and rating to facilitate managing risks related to performance by supplier of their contractual obligations, and maximize the benefits obtained by the entity through monitoring supplier performance against the established efficiency criteria.
Contract Accounting
Contract creation using pre-configured templates. Processing of contracts imported from external systems. Support of supplementary agreements to contracts. Contract management with future period expense amortization. Setup and generation of contractual notices. Creation of report and document printed forms.
Financial Leasing Contract Management (IFRS 16)
This tool in the Contract Management module supports the full cycle of financial lease contract management, while the leased object per se is accounted for in the Fixed Assets module during the complete contract validity period at its present discounted value. The system supports flexible contract schedule construction with regard for stipulated parameters including a discount rate, the lease payment rate, the contract validity period. In the event of a change in contract terms and conditions the system will support automatic contract schedule recalculation and updating of the fixed asset accounting balance sheet value.
Contract Management
Automatic generation of payment and delivery documents as per the contract schedule. Provision calculation. Penalty accrual. Contract management leveraging the accrual method. Tracking timely performance of contractual obligations.
Fixed Asset Disposal Contract Management with Payment Deferral
This tool spans the complete business process management for the disposal of assets pledged as collateral for outstanding loan obligations, as well as of other company assets. In managing this type of contract, the system takes into account all schedule construction parameters, such as accounting for interest, discount and yield rates, advance payment, monthly payment amount, contract validity period.
Key advantages of the module
  • Broad functionality to facilitate achieving objectives
  • Ease of customization to match unique business requirements
  • Time saving and administrative process simplification
  • Seamless integration with other system modules
Advantages of the new mechanism
  • Efficiency

    • Automation of contract maintenance and management processes within the company
    • Monitoring and analysis of contract obligation performance
    • Generation of various reports under concluded contracts that provide the basis for taking substantiated decisions and for process optimization
    • Improving process transparency and manageability
  • Speed

    • Increased document creation and editing speed due to the use of templates, as well as to their automatic population with data
    • Automatic document generation for other system modules
    • Prompt accounting data collection for analysis
Advantages Colvir Software Solutions
Reliability 100% successful Projects
Simplicity Product modules are independent of the kernel
Spot-on Relevance International practice focused on banking products and services
Great Potential We invest 100% of our earnings in further system development
Popularity Localized throughout CIS
User-Friendliness Flexible and customer-oriented
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